About Us

20 years

The best honey I’ve tasted


Thank you for visiting Honey to love

H2L has formed from small beginnings as a boy helping my father with his apiary extracting honey on our family farm where I realised the joy and pride of producing our own raw honey. Several decades later establishing my own apiary in 2018 south east of Drake NSW on the eastern escarpment of the Great Divide surrounded by a large expanse of natural forest in all directions and overlooking the picturesque Rocky River from over 700m elevation to the south, and with stunning views toward the Queensland border to the north. Many photos on the site show the landscapes from the apiary surrounds.

This apiary endured through the 2019 drought and fires, floods, and it’s now committed to survive through the Varroa Incursion, to realise the opportunities the present and future holds keeping bees. Thanks to what can only be described as a guiding higher force, this apiary through hard work and dedication has grown from 3 hives into a small commercial apiary of around 120 hives in 2023, it’s been the most satisfying venture even if the work is extremely demanding v’s the $ return, and all the risks and variables at play.

The rewards however are many. Honey Bee’s are fascinating, and without them we would have no food, honey Bee’s are one of the most important companions of Mankind. Bee’s teach us so much and there is no end to that learning curve, so interest, and respect for them only grows. It’s truly a wonderful thing to support our local economy and my supporters with a pure healthy and nutritious product, this is a big motivator, especially in these times.

H2L’s focus is to produce the purest raw honey possible, forward bee conservation, and sustainable breeding of strong productive bee’s in a biologically safe environment, meaning fully buffered and quarantined from any chemical agriculture or other apiaries. This makes H2L rather unique compared to other small apiaries. Also, educating new bee keepers and supplying nucleus and mature hives to help them become self-sufficient, and mentoring them on their journey.

H2L use zero chemicals unlike large commercial bee keepers. We are not migratory bee keepers so there are no contaminants from commercial farming and there is no chemical agriculture anywhere even close to our bees permanent locations, and that’s the way we want it. H2L’s unique premium honey is too good to sell to the big honey packers who blend it with commercial honey which is foraged on non-organic and GM crops, or blended with questionable imported honey but label it Australian dishonestly, so our honey is best packed and marketed directly. H2L rather keep it pure and non-blended for you, each small batch extraction is as unique as the hives it came from. Thank you for visiting and for your support so we can continue to offer a better product. Please let me know if you have any questions at all, I look forward to hear from you.
