Mature Hives

We run 10 frame brood box standard Langstroth hives, and 9 frames in 10 frame deep supers (19 frames drawn and working, supers are easier to uncap when 9 frame and produce as much honey as 10)

These can be sold in many different sizes and configurations.
From $550 for a single to $700 for a double, with excluder, emlock, and some honey capped or uncapped. Discounts may apply for bulk buy depending on time of year.

Hives are hoop pine Aussie plantation grown, assembled with stainless screws and urethane glue, treated with rot retardant and painted oil paints and made to last up to 20 years. Boxes are 1-4 years old and in good condition. Our production hives are consistent and produce large quantities of honey when ran as triples. Some of our hives made 100kg surplus honey plus a split, plus the 100kg it takes to meet the hives own food needs. We don’t feed production hives except for a pollen sub Pattie in early spring build up. We get our boxes from Quality Bee Keeping Supplies.

Bee varieties. Our queens are grafted from breeder queens of exceptional quality ensuring you get high performance.

Italian-AKA yellow Italian, these bees build up quicker in spring, are generally calm and easy to work, highly productive with honey and pollination, can grow to huge size colonies but if flows stop they have a lot of consumers of the hives resources.

Carniolan-Very strong (hardy) calm bees originally commercially bred in Orange NSW, the breeder notes are they handle winter better, and can fly and forage in light misty rain. They build up slower about 4 weeks later than Italian and are perfect scalers of colony size at any time, once pollens and nectar are sufficient. They are more resistant to pests, and produce more propolis. Slightly less honey than Italian but slightly easier to manage. A hardier bee all round. Crosses of Carni and Italian may make the ideal bees for the majority of our needs in Australia.