5 frame Nuc hives are almost always in stock as we produce them for our own needs and for our breeding program, and for our customer’s needs and can supply bulk if ordered before end or August. All our nucs are made in proper wooden 5 frame Nuc Boxes which provide the safe protection for a Nuc to grow well in early Spring while nights can still be cold. We transfer them to coreflute boxes a short while before delivery. We mainly supply Nuc’s from Sep-Dec each season however we can supply at other times. It’s recommend beginners get their nuc’s as early in the season as possible to maximise the build up in your area during the flows, and to have prepared their hiveware and painted it over winter so it’s all outgassed for the bees. Nuc’s can be kept all year round as double nuc’s and overwintered, however they may need to be fed if stores run low, and if your area is in a dearth. We don’t mark queens as some people prefer to mark their queens themselves, and because we chose not to mark our own queens in any case. There’s a risk a queen can be rejected after marking by the colony due to the foreign scent, and queens are basically ruined if you get paint on their antennae. Bee’s will supersede these in many cases, and a colony can go backwards till a mated queen picks up the slack (5 weeks) Which would be the demise of the colony being so small, local resorces depending.
5 frame nuc w/ new coreflute (plastic) box $285, your choice of Italian or Carniolan queen.
Early Bird Order Before End of August for $260 ea (up to 10 nucs)
1-10 nuc’s @ $285 ea from September 1st
11+ @ $260 ea
20+ $250 ea
Nuc Orders require 50% deposit and priority is given in order. All orders before end of August should be delivered by end of September unless conditions cause a short delay.
Hoop Pine 5 frame Nuc Box, assembled and painted add $150 ea (replaces coreflute box)
H2L wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2024 !